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Hire the Best Estate Manager

Highly trained estate managers you can rely on to ensure your estate is always in order.

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Why hire an estate manager?

An estate manager is a person that is responsible for a place of residence and the responsibilities associated with managing that estate. They focus upon the day-to-day operations, a job that can be extremely complex and demanding, that often is difficult to find the best fit for you and your estate.

Due to its complexities, our Estate Managers have done this for a multitude of years and are aware of the intricacies of this position. Here is an overview of what an estate manager actually does and how you can find estate managers for hire right now.

Our experienced estate managers

Employing an Estate Manager is not only a statement of status but the perfect way to keep your household in order and simplify your life at home. Let The Wellington Agency help you choose the finest Estate Manager for your household. We have many qualified candidates and are sure to be able to supply an excellent match for your needs.

The duties of an Estate Manager entail hiring, training, and termination of the staff members, interviewing and supervising all outside contractors, managing of household accounts, orchestrating functions, stocking and care of the wine cellar, scheduling preventative maintenance for the home and autos, and in general, making sure that the employers’ life is as seamless as possible. The Estate Manager wears many hats and is a stickler for detail.

Let us help you find the perfect estate manager today

Whether you’d like to hire staff, or you’re a qualified and experienced candidate looking for a position, we’d like to hear from you.

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What are Estate Managers?

The Estate Manager; Chief of Staff; Director of Estates; Director of Properties; is responsible for the day-to-day operation of your estate or residence(s). Because of the complexity of properly managing the efficient operation of the entire household, estate management should be designated only to the most qualified trained experienced professionals.

Hire a Live-In Full-time Estate Manager

As an affluent homeowner, we know you will not be taking care of your house by yourself on your own time. You are busy, active people. The Wellington Agency knows what it’s like to have your hands full. We’ve got solutions for you. Hire an Estate manager to solve problems one by one for you. They are responsible for your entire house and taking care of everything with its grounds.

The Wellington Agency provides a wide selection of services and a large network of highly qualified personnel who are ready to take on all types of tasks for you and your home. Hire an estate manager now to see how good life can be. We offer a range of household services. From the simplest of arrangements to the more complex, we offer a professional service to a high standard.

A live-in estate manager for your house is considered the best protection for your home. With all the unexpected events that can happen in your household, full-time and live-in is the best way to hire an estate manager with the help of The Wellington Agency.

When hiring an estate manager, the Wellington Agency provides tailored estate management services to meet the needs of our clients. Our live-in estate managers work as a partner on a day-to-day basis so that your property can run smoothly and help ensure your peace of mind. Estate management is an important investment in your future.

No job is too big or too small. We specialize in properties of all sizes and prices and offer services and protection for many owners if you are a private owner who is looking for a house manager for hire.

The Wellington Agency is a trusted estate management firm for those looking for a live-in estate manager to run errands, prepare meals, care for pets, watch kids, or do any other responsibilities from within your property. Our trained live-in estate managers are knowledgeable about home care, the mechanics of the home, hiring and firing, as well as troubleshooting problems. With the right live-in-house manager, your life can be freed up so you can do more of what you want.

Our live-in estate managers are available for owners who have properties, apartments, vacation homes, villas, and estates. We have estate managers for hire in selected cities in the United States.

To find out more about the services we offer, take a look around our website and explore our services and what we can offer.

What Are The Duties Of An Estate Manager?

An estate manager is required to find people that they can hire for the estate. They are also responsible for training staff. If there are any problems, staff members can be summarily dismissed by the estate manager, and they are also responsible for all of the activities on the estate. For example, they will be required to connect with contractors that need to complete repairs or completely different projects. They are going to manage all of the household accounts and making sure that both food and beverages are fully stocked. These managers are also privy to all of the scheduling on the site, and this includes visitations, workers, and are also responsible for managing the automobiles that are there. Overall, they have a wide range of duties that often require all of their time and a high level of expertise in order to properly manage every single project. Despite the sheer volume of people that would want these positions, or that could qualify, you may soon discover how difficult it is to find estate managers for hire.

Why Estate Managers Are So Hard To Find

It is not that there are so few estate managers available. There are thousands of people that have some experience doing many of these things. What is difficult is locating one particular individual that is well-versed in the totality of activities that anyone particular state will go through annually. We Will likely find hundreds of applicants, sending you their information and resumes. As you sift through the many different applicants, most of them will not be fully qualified to handle all of the jobs associated with that particular position. In some ways, referring to them as a Butler is often a very good designation, especially when considering the role of a Butler within an elite setting. They are literally responsible for doing the bidding of those that employ them, but in this case, they are responsible for so much more. Now that you understand why it may be difficult to find one of the best estate managers for your particular position, you need to know how to get the word out as to the position that you are offering.

How To Find Qualified Estate Managers

The best way to find a qualified estate manager is by using a trusted domestic agency such as The Wellington Agency. The Wellington Agency has already screened and prequalified all our estate manager candidates so that you will get only the best most qualified people available for positions in your home or estate.

Qualifications For Estate Managers

There are several qualifications that you will need to look for when considering estate managers. First of all, they should have years of experience in managerial positions. Their ability to delegate tasks to people that are qualified to complete them is a very important aspect of their qualifications. If they have been in your particular industry before, this is always a good pre-qualifier. This shows that they have, in the past, be proficient at managing multiple projects simultaneously. Finally, consider how many managerial positions they have had in the past, and how long they have been at them, to determine if this is a person that you actually want to hire.

Locating a good estate manager does not have to be a difficult task. There are so many individuals that will qualify for these positions. In general, these are managers that are simply retired or are looking for additional work, and they have the background necessary to do the job. If their background does have a substantial amount of managerial positions, this is an indication that you are likely looking at the right people. Just make sure that they are aware of every aspect of your estate and the exact duties that they will be responsible for. If you are currently looking for estate managers for hire, you now have a general idea of how to find them. Eventually, there will be one particular person with all of the qualifiers necessary to indicate they are the perfect individual for the job.

We are currently filling estate manager positions in Palm Beach, Los Angeles, New York City, and other locations we serve. Find out about our Estate Managers in Miami here. And now the Wellington Agency has Estate Managers in Jupiter, FLBoca Raton, FL, and Wellington, FL for hire.
